When Alexandre Carruana makes his De Leeuw Custom Sakura Bass groove

Alexandre started playing bass late, at the age of 23.
Discovering a passion for the instrument, he started studying it intensively and began a musical course at the Villeurbane school.
From this passion, as strong as it was sudden, he kept a great capacity of work that he combined with a rigorous daily training.
He explored different musical trends such as jazz, neo soul, funk and fusion.
Today, as a session bassist and studio musician, he works for many artists (Alpha Petulay, Kevin Chomat, Poetically yours...).
He is now part of the De Leeuw Guitars team.
Discovering a passion for the instrument, he started studying it intensively and began a musical course at the Villeurbane school.
From this passion, as strong as it was sudden, he kept a great capacity of work that he combined with a rigorous daily training.
He explored different musical trends such as jazz, neo soul, funk and fusion.
Today, as a session bassist and studio musician, he works for many artists (Alpha Petulay, Kevin Chomat, Poetically yours...).
He is now part of the De Leeuw Guitars team.
When Alexandre Carruana jazzes up his De Leeuw Custom Sakura Bass